After receiving critiques from our classmates, my class and I have finally moved on to creating the final cover pages of our magazines. Here's mine:
I used Canva to make the cover. I started by putting the photo I wanted to use in the background and applied a filter on it to make the colors POP. Then, my masthead, which I decided looked better with "MAGAZINE" under it, so I put that even though it wasn't planned. Then I made the barcode using a barcode generator, followed by the date. After, I put "sunshine state." This took a while because I knew that I wanted it in orange, but I couldn't find a place where it was easily readable. The hardest part was making the article titles and making sure they were easily legible. I took the photo on my cellphone while standing on the shoreline. I wanted to make sure that I got the buildings in the background so that I could have a "nook" to put my masthead in.